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Robert was the son of Robert A Welch and his wife, Anne, who lived at Hepnall's Farm, Heage Lane.

The 1901 Census records the family as
Robert A Welch, head, aged 30, Farmer.
Anne Welch, wife, aged 26
Robert A Welch, son, aged 2
Gerald A Welch, son, aged 1

Robert was born on the 29th November, 1898, and baptised at St Helen's on the 26th January, 1899. He began his education at Etwall Primary School on the 22nd June, 1903, and left for Gerard Street School in Derby on the 26th February, 1909. He returned to Etwall School on the 23rd August 1909, and remained there until the 9th  January 1911, when he left again, this time to attend the Diocesan School in Derby.

Robert enlisted in the Sherwood Foresters in Derby. his Army Number being TR6/2780. It was at the training camp that he was taken ill, and died, an the 7th April 1917, and was buried in St Helen's Churchyard on the 9th April 1917.

Robert was just eighteen and a half years old, a tragic victim of a war in which he never had an opportunity to fight for his country.